†  Other Ministry  † 


†  Welcome to JustFaith for Catholics

The JustFaith for Catholics Program offers an adult faith formation opportunity for those interested in deepening their understanding of the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church.
JustFaith engages the heart, engages the mind, and engages the body. It is a transformative journey that leads to compassionate commitment.
The JustFaith Program Course is offered periodically. Please inquire with the contacts below.
For more information, please contact Barbara Hudson at 760-645-0726, barbarahudson760@yahoo.com
or Kristine Almada at 760-689-6208, kalmada@stpeter-fallbrook.org

You may also visit www.justfaith.org for more information about the program.

Testimonial of former participant: 

"Going through JustFaith was both challenging and exciting. It helped me to grow as a Catholic by studying social issues and following Jesus' teachings 'to love one another.' I volunteer at the Fallbrook Food Pantry. JustFaith has helped me to have an increased sensitivity towards others." ------Suzy Parsons