†  Other Ministry  † 


†  Welcome Ministry

Every third Sunday of the month is "Welcome Sunday" at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish (SPACP). At every English Mass, we welcome new parishioners and invites them to come to the Welcome Table in the narthex to chat with parish stewards.


The Welcome Ministry was formed by The Talents Small Faith Community and on Welcome Sunday these parish stewards:

  • Personally welcome new parishioners
  • Assist them in registering in the parish
  • Answer questions that they may have regarding the parish
  • Make pamphlets available regarding the parish school and other parish organizations
  • Provide a welcome packet containing a welcome letter, ministry & organization pamphlet, temporary envelopes and a name tag application


Those who register will receive a follow up phone call from a member of the Talents Small Group.


Once a year the Talents Group hosts a Welcome Luncheon for new parishioners. It is a great opportunity for new parishioners to meet and to chat in a social setting.


If you are new to the Parish, we hope you’ll come by and see us at the Welcome Table on the third Sunday of the month.