†  Other Ministry  † 

†  Becoming Catholic

Welcome! We are delighted to have the opportunity to walk with you on your journey of faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is an exciting and wonderful process that welcomes adults who

  • have never been baptized in the Christian Church
  • or who have been baptized in another Christian tradition
  • as well as adult Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.


The RCIA is based on the principle that the process of conversion proceeds gradually, in stages.


The primary focus of the RCIA process is to lead one to an encounter with Jesus Christ and into the community that Christ established called the Church.  Progress from one stage to the next is marked by a liturgical celebration in the midst of the parish community.

And, the R.C.I.A. is a journey of faith:

    • From the awareness of the stirring of faith and curiosity within one's heart,
    • through all those stages of asking and seeking,
    • through beginning involvement with Christian/Catholic people,
    • through hearing the Gospel proclaimed and by faithful reflection and prayer on this Word of God,
    • through study and discussion about the Catholic experience,
    • through doubts and hesitations,
    • through involvement in works of charity and justice with those already committed to the Catholic way of life,
    • through discernment of God's individual call,
    • through the steps of commitment,
    • through the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)
    • into a relationship with Jesus the Christ, and

into a life of faith, love, and justice lived in communion with Catholics throughout the world.


If you would like more information or an appointment, please call Kristine Almada at 760-689-6208 or email Kristine at kalmada@stpeter-fallbrook.org