†  Other Ministry  † 


†  Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Commission is a group of lay ministers that represent all aspects of Liturgy in our parish.

This group of dedicated stewards meets once a month and has the responsibility for:


  • Making recommendations to the pastor for necessary changes


  • Taking care of all details for each Liturgical event


  • Scheduling and training lay ministers to serve at all events


  • Continually educating themselves on church policy and spiritual growth


Without these ministers, the church would come to a grinding halt.


If you are interested in serving on this Commission call Kristine Almada at the parish office.


Here is a list of the current leaders of each Liturgical Ministry.

Coordinator of Liturgy

Kristine Almada                     



Pam Forrester                        

Jorge Ayala                                                                                                                                                                 

Eucharistic Ministers

David & Yazmin White

Eva Rosas



Justina Flavin                  

Luis Villagomez 


Altar Servers

Monserrate Nieto                                                           


Music Ministers

Juan Domingo             


Hospitality Ministers

Mark Mullin                            

Araceli Gamboa



Eva Daza


School Representative

Katie Beltran               


Youth Representative



 †  Mass Schedule  † 

Monday 8:30am Lit. of Word
Wednesday 6:30pm Spanish
Thursday 8:30am Eng
Friday 8:30am Eng

  Vigil   4:00 p.m.
  Vigilia  6:00 p.m. (Spanish)

  9:00 a.m.  
  11:00 a.m. (Spanish)

Office Hours
Monday -  Friday
8:00 a.m. -  5:00 p.m.
