†  Other Ministry  † 


† The Sacrament of First Holy Communion

    and Reconciliation

We look forward to working with you and your children in your preparations for your child's first Holy Communion and Reconciliation.

The preparation for the sacraments of Penance and First Holy Communion is a two year process.  Children need to have been enrolled and attending Children’s Faith Formation Class (CFF) for at least one year prior to beginning the Sacrament Preparation Class.  Children and their families should be attending Mass regularly.


If your child has not been baptized, arrangements can be made with the Parish Office and the Religious Ed Office working together with your family.


Sacrament Preparation Class:

  • The child must be at least 7 years of age and in the 2nd grade.
  • They must have attended Children's Faith Formation Class for at least one year immediately preceding joining the Sacrament Preparation Class.
  • The Sacrament Preparation Class is held on Sundays, September through May, in the Education Center from 10:30am-11:45am.
  • There are three Parent Meetings during the preparation period.
  • There is a First Communion half-day retreat for child and parent in the spring.
  • Older children with no faith formation background are placed in their regular school grade for the first year of Children’s Faith Formation Class.  The second year they are placed in their grade level of the special Sacrament Preparation Class.

Please contact Denell Robles – CFF Coordinator, for more information: 760-689-6212
Email: drobles@stpeter-fallbrook.org

† Mass Schedule †

  6:30 pm Spanish
  8:30 am English
  8:30 am English
  Vigil   4:00 pm English
  Vigilia  6:00 pm Spanish
   9:00 am  English
  11:00 am  Spanish
All Masses are now celebrated inside the church.

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.