Welcome to our "Come and See" Ministry

Returning Catholics


Any time of the year can find people who have been away from the practice of their faith coming back. Are we ready to welcome them home? Yes we are. How?


  • Be open and willing to share your own faith journey.
  • Invite someone who is thinking of returning to join you at mass
  • Encourage them to contact either John and Jody Hersh,

760-728-8202 or Colleen Aichle, 760-419-3795 to join the “Come and See” program. “Come and See” is a very relaxed and welcoming opportunity to meet active parishioners, ask questions, get reacquainted with the Church, and work towards full practice of the faith.

  • Encourage them to call the parish office to meet with a priest or Meg Long-Eastman.


God uses each of us to bring the seeker home. Let us pray for the grace to recognize the opportunities we are given to do just that. Have a wonderful summer.