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Grades K-6th 
Register Now for CFF 2024-2025

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 †  Other Ministry  † 

†  Children's Faith Formation


Announcing a New Religious Ed Program for Preschoolers

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Faith Formation for Preschoolers 

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an exciting and unique approach to faith formation of children.  It uses Montessori hands on educational principles rooted in scripture, Liturgy and prayer.  We are offering the  program for 4-5 years old on Wednesday mornings 10 am-11:30 am starting in September.  If you are interesting in enrolling your preschooler download a registration form and submit to the Parish office or if you would like more information contact
 Denell Robles 760-689-6207 or drobles@stpeter-fallbrook.org

Welcome, and thank you for considering registering your child in our parish Children’s Faith Formation program.  We offer this program in English and Spanish to help parents as their child’s “first and most important teachers", in their child's Christian education.


All children attending the English program grades K-6th meet on Sunday mornings 10:30am -11:45am during the school year to learn the Catholic faith in a systematic way. 


All children attending the program in Spanish grades K-6th meet on Sundays from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM.


All children who do not attend a Catholic school should be enrolled in the above religious education classes, even when not preparing for a Sacrament.


Sacramental Preparation is offered at the appropriate time in the child’s development.  Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is generally a two year process beginning in first grade.  However it is never too late to begin.


Jesus Christ is the center of all of our catechesis, because it is through Him that we come into communion with the Triune God and live out our Catholic faith.


For more information and registration:  For the English program call Denell Robles – Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator 760-689-6212.

For  the Spanish program call Diana Guerrero -- Formacion de Fe para Ninos   760-689-6211.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word 


Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) shares the Gospel with children (Pre-K-4th grade) in words they can understand and reflects upon how to apply these lessons to their lives.  Children are dismissed from the 11am Mass with a blessing for the Liturgy of the Word aided by catechists using stories, songs and age appropriate activities.


They return to Mass during the preparation of the gifts, to join their families and to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word plants the seeds of faith that will grow with the nurturing of the Christian family and the help of the Holy Spirit. 


Do You Love Me?  Tend My Sheep.


We have a wonderful time with the children!  We teach in teams of two leaders, September through mid-summer.  Each team is scheduled to lead a liturgy once a month.  You can participate with friends and create your own team or you can join an experienced team.  Lesson plans are provided for you, yet each lesson allows for flexibility and creativity.


To learn more, please contact Denell Robles, Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator
