†  Other Ministry  † 

†  Ministry of Sacristan

Those who hold the venerable position of sacristan in the Church are in a very important ministry. It is the sacristan that makes sure everything that is needed for the Liturgy (vessels, bread, wine, water, candles, books, etc.) are ready to go and in good repair.


Who can be a sacristan?

Any adult who is an active and faithful member of the Church.


Why is the sacristan so important?

The sacristans are some of the few lay members of the church that hold the keys to the church. It is their responsibility to unlock the church and sacristy before any of the faithful arrive and prepare for Mass. They are the ones who determine what is needed for each Mass and get everything set in its proper place.

When the presider arrives, he should never have to worry if everything he needs is ready. That is the sacristans job and an important one it is.


What other jobs do sacristans have?

In many parishes it is the sacristan, along with a group of helpers, that keep the vestments, altar cloths, candles, incense and other vessels clean and in good repair. Sacristans are really the backbone of the Mass and we would be hard pressed to function without them.


For more information about becoming a sacristan call the Parish Office at 760-689-6200.

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