In addition to the above projects, we continue to provide school supplies and school books, especially reading books for elementary age children, which are sorely needed in the schools in Kenya. We have also provided medical clinics in the villages and motivational seminars for students during the periods of school breaks. We initiated and continue to support a tree planting project with the children in the villages to help restore the biodiversity that once existed in this region. And with a grant from Rotary Clubs International we constructed six water distribution kiosks in six villages to create greater access to water for the women and girls who must collect water each morning and evening and carry it to their huts. We do all this as part of our long term goal of promoting community development and self-reliance among the families who live in the Malindi District.
We are thankful for the support of our donors who make all this work possible.
For more information please contact:
Doug Boggs: -- or 760-237-0232