†  Other Ministry  † 


†  Ministry of Readers

Proclamation of the word of God is truly a service to the Church.  Readers bring the living word of God to the assembled faith community.  When the Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking to his people (GIRM,n.29). The ministry of the word, therefore, should be treated with great dignity.


The word of God is not merely read, but proclaimed, within the liturgy.  Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace.  It demands the ability to evoke faith in others by demonstrating one’s own faith.  As a ministry which presupposes faith, it should rouse faith in those who hear the word proclaimed.


Ideally, the assembly should listen to the proclamation of the scriptures and not read along in a participation aid.  In the act of communal listening, the worshippers experience not only unity among themselves, but the very presence of Christ speaking to them in his word. (Diocesan Guidelines for Ministry of Reader)


Those chosen for the Ministry of Reader:

  •  are to be fully initiated in the Church and active and faithful members whose lives witness to the word which they proclaim
  • are to be active and faithful members of the Church
  • are to comply with the Parish Minister Dress Code
  • are to be comfortable reading before people
  • have a love and understanding of Scripture
  • be knowledgeable of the principles of liturgy and skill in public reading
  • are to be familiar with the Diocesan Guidelines for the Ministry of Reader

If you wish to be considered for this ministry please contact the Church Office: 760-689-6200.

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